
Happy Calendar Obsolescence

Here we are again... January 1st (well 2nd actually) and once again our paper calendars are garbage. This has to be one of the more ridiculous times to place the new year.

Sensibly, I would expect a change of year to accompany a change of season. Instead we have it 8 days AFTER the winter solstice... right when everything (here in the northern hemisphere at least) is throughly dead.

I'm not quite sure what Aloysius Lilius was smoking when he decided to put it there...

Anyway, happy calendar obsolescence...

1 comment:

ChaosAdventurer said...

actually, you don't need to throw them out as they can be used again.


I've been doing this on and off for years base on a paper copy that show what years the 13 different calendars can be used. I just keep the really nice calendars that haven't been written (much) on.