
Stinkin' Mac users!!

I've been saying this for years... now I have to stop. I have officially gone over to the dark side... er... the light side.. er... (more on this later).

Over the past year I've had three people close to me make the move to Mac... as I think is part of the Apple license agreement they've all become insufferable promoters of the platform (don't be offended, I'm beginning to understand).

When I told Jesse he asked me if I had joined the light side, I commented that it was more like the dark side since going to the light side often means compromising your desires. That didn't seem quite right either since going to the dark side often means compromising your principles. (Besides, I think everyone can agree the M$ is the evil empire...)

I've thought about it some more and have come up with the following: (Continuing the Star Wars analogies)

The Dark Side of the Force: Microsoft Windows (Any version)
  • Huge, corrupt (pron: buggy) cumbersome
  • Simple tasks can be very complicated, especially if you're trying to do something non-standard
  • Everything works "well enough" and if you're willing to deal with the continual security issues
The Light Side of the Force: (Also the Rebel Alliance) Linux and other Open Source Software
  • Huge, poorly organized
  • No central authority, there are 100 different ways to do everything and there's no consensus as to the best way to do anything
  • Everything works "well enough" if you're willing to put an enormous amount of effort into it. Much of it you'll probably have to build yourself.
I'm not really sure how Apple fits in... maybe like Bespin from The Empire Strikes Back:
  • Small enough to not really attract TOO much of the wrong sort of attention
  • A powerful, simple to use interface with a powerful BSD UNIX OS behind it. (Fully usable if you know what you're doing)
  • Certainly not low-cost computing though
The analogy is breaking down on me here but you see my point? There seems to be the fewest compromises here.

I'll try not to be too annoying though.....

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